中日啟動人民幣與日圓直兌業務日本及中國大陸依2011年12月雙邊領袖高峰會所達成的協議(日本認購中國大陸國債及啟動中日韓三方自由貿易協議談判),自6月1日 起在東京及上海開辦不使用美元匯率的日圓及人民幣直接兌換業務,自此亞洲兩大經濟體間的貿易及金融關係可房地產望更加緊密連結。中日貨幣直兌不僅省去使用第三國貨幣的匯兌成本,更能降低金融機構的結算風險。日圓及人民幣直兌前是依各自對美元匯率套算後進行兌換,所以貨幣直兌可望縮短交易價差、降低匯兌成本及鼓勵交易直接結算。北京當局長期推動日圓及人民幣雙邊貿易、債務烤肉食材協議以提升人民幣的國際地位,現主力為推動人民幣交易結算機制。北京當局已與多國合作協議使用人民幣進行交易;早於2009年展開全國小規模以人民幣進行交易結算計畫,結果相當圓滿成功。2011年中國大陸總貿易額逾九成使用人民幣結算,較2010年成長0.7%。(摘譯自居酒屋INFOFISH Trade News, No. 11/2012,15 June 2012) YEN-YUAN TRADE STARTED Japan and China have started trading their currencies directly in Tokyo and Shanghai from 1 June, in a move that shores up trade and financial ties between Asia ’s two 景觀設計biggest economies. The step eliminates the use of the dollar to set the exchange rate and follows an agreement struck by the leaders of the two countries in December 2011. The agreement also involves Japan buying Chinese government debt and 婚禮佈置efforts to forge a free trade pact between China , Japan and South Korea . By conducting transactions without using the third country’s currency, it will bring merits of reducing transaction costs and lowering risks involved in settlements at 澎湖民宿financial institutions. Before this yen-yuan rates were calculated on the basis of their respective rates against the dollar, so the move is expected to narrow trading spreads, lower transaction costs and allow more trade deals to be settled 系統傢俱directly. The move to facilitate yen-yuan trading and the debt deal are part of Beijing’s long-term efforts to elevate the yuan’s status as an international currency, which so far have mainly centred on China ’s promotion of the yuan to 土地買賣settle trade. Beijing has initiated agreements with several nations on the use of the yuan in trade and other transactions. It has expanded a pilot programme started in 2009 into a nationwide one allowing firms to settle their trade in yuan. The 訂做禮服result has been a relative surge in the use of the currency. More than 9% of China’s total trade was settled in yuan in 2011, up from just 0.7% in 2010.
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帛琉 Plurk
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帛琉 Plurk